
Headline, May27, 2013



Her name was Marie-Helene Gonzales and a passerby glimpsed what was left of the vivacious 22 year old on the morning of June 26, 1998. Her nude body missing its head and hands, and certain organs placed lightly in a box to one side, was found in a weedy roadside area beside a trash dump just south of Perpignan, within a sight of a turnpike tollbooth.
Like Chaib's her clothes were never found.

Not much is known of Gonzales private life; her family and friends have consistently declined to discuss it. Funny, with beautiful green eyes, she grew up in Toulouges, and had worked in in seasonal jobs since graduating from high school   -in the winter, as a saleswoman in Alpine Ski resorts. On June 16, the day she disappeared, she was posed to start her third summer at a butcher shop half hour south of Perpignan.
She had just moved into her new apartment in Argeles-sur-Mer where her mother phoned her to tell her that her bank account was overdrawn. Gonzales promised to rectify the situation, and a girlfriend dropped her off at  the train station that evening just in time for the train.
Gonzales was never seen alive again.

Stephane Bourgoin, a noted French researcher on serial killers and crime scenes, says he strongly doubts any two-killer hypothesis. He believes that the killer is a European male who is in his 30s or 40s with a criminal record, neat, well dressed, and sufficiently well spoken to lure a wary woman into his car.

Highly cultured serial killers such as Hannibal Lecter are found mostly in fiction, according to Bourgoin, who frankly doubts that the killer is educated to the point where he would be familiar with Dali's paintings.
''I don't think Dali could have influenced him even marginally,'' says Bourgoin.

Whether or not Dali inspired the Perpignan station murders, the investigation just sputtered on. A hypnotist had been brought in to aid witness recall. Tatiana Andujar's parents stayed busy following up on the purported sightings of their daughter: several have come from raves in the Greenoble area.

For over a year nothing of any consequence surfaced publicly. Almost to the day,  in December 1998,  after Mokhtaria Chaib's body was found, firemen near the village of Banyuls-dels-Aspres, southeast of Perpignan, stopped to help a farmer burning one of his fields. In a clump of smoking underbrush, they discovered the scorched head and hands of Maria-Helene-Gonzalez.

With most respectful dedication to the remembrance and memories of all Students who were murdered.

Their names will always be revered at the ''Virtual Cemetry''  in Sam Museum of History, and at the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless. 

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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