
Headline, April02, 2013


The archipelago of French Polynesia is 118 islands, volcanic outcrops scattered across an area the size of western Europe on the empty blue backside of the globe.

Bora Bora is the postcard money shot. Flying in you admire the island's concentric circles; the iconic square-topped mountains, the turquoise lagoons, in turn circled by string of motu  -islets which form the atoll that breaks the rollers coming in from the Pacific Ocean.

Polynesia, lets its syllables roll over your tongue only to transport you to the South Pacific: glittering Lagoons and white sand atolls; dark haired sirens with almond eyes, clad in garlands of gardenia. In a world of disappointment, Polynesia, specifically the islands of Bora Bora, smashes expectations and has the power to restore you to some kind of faith.

There is only one passage through the atoll into the lagoon. During WW11 this appealed to the Americans, who were easily able to defend it. Today it is a joy for the divers. Like a watery safari, the underwater pass gathers Marine life into one spot and its gentle current makes a marvellous drift drive.

And you set off on the boat, the water around bleeds from opal green, through cobalt to navy as you approach the Teavenul Pass. The water is clear, soft and delicious along the sloping coral wall, its mingled blues and purples are alive with anemones. Spotted moray eels emerge ugly from the rocks; brightly striped ''Nemos'' orange clownfish flutter eagerly.

A sea turtle flaps past. At once you are overtaken by sinuous, Spielberg shapes. Lemon shark. Ten feet long, perfect sharks. Of the dive sites at Bora Bora, Fafa Pitti requires the least effort. The lagoon is not deep here, a mere 60 feet in some places, and has scant current.

The reef at Fafa Pitti is a feeding station, where little cleaner wrasse come to pick debris from from the gill rakers of manta mother ships. You litteraly enter another world as you watch the rays and the symbiotic electric blue wrasse muzzling. Mount Otemanu claws the sky in stark beauty as the burnt evening sun casts chiaroscuro light and shade over its peak and furrows. The whole experience is just so unreal.

Respectful and loving dedication Mother Earth.

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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