
Queen in 3D for Christmas: Special TV message recorded for UK

Queen Elizabeth II stands in the 1844 Room of Buckingham Palace
 in London after recording her Christmas Day television broadcast - AFP

This year's annual greeting from the Queen of England will be unlike any that came before, as Elizabeth II has turned to cutting-edge technology and recorded her Christmas address in 3D format for the first time, Buckingham Palace announced.
After recording the video address, the Queen watched her 3D message, produced by Sky News, and said it was “absolutely lovely," a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said.

"We wanted to do something a bit different and special in this Jubilee year, so doing it for the first time in 3D seemed a good thing, technology wise, to do,” the BBC quoted the spokesperson as saying. "The Queen absolutely agreed straight away there was no need for convincing at all, she was absolutely ready to embrace something new in this year."

Only viewers with the required special TV sets and viewing glasses will be able to enjoy the Queen’s speech in 3D. Those who have not bought the necessary high-end equipment will see the Queen’s speech broadcast in either standard- or high-definition.
The tradition to give a radio speech on Christmas Day was started 80 years ago by the Queen’s grandfather, George V. Since then, British monarchs have addressed the nation every year during Christmas holidays.
In her previous annual addresses, Queen Elizabeth usually referred to the most significant events of that year in the life of her country. This year, she is expected to mention the London Olympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee festivities.

- Rt.com


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