
No more burnt toast! Student, 21, invents your perfect toaster

A toaster which can cook bread to a person's exact preferred shade of brown has been invented by a student.
The 'Hue' smart toaster has been designed by Basheer Tome, 21, after he grew tired of having to hover over unreliable toasters only for his bread to emerge burnt to a crisp.
The new toaster ditches traditional time settings in favour of a state-of-the-art colour-sensing method to ensure the bread inside never burns.

When the bread is put into the toaster an electronic screen on the machine displays the colour of the slice as it is.
A circular touch-dispay screen gives the user the various shades of brown they can select for their toast and even shows them the colour it will be when cooked.

The toaster has an array of colour sensors inside that study both sides of the bread and the heating device will stay on until the toast reaches that exact colour.
Because some breads are darker than others the outer ring of lights helps to show how many minutes it will take.

Although the toaster is just a concept design at the moment, Basheer hopes manufacturers will soon be knocking on his door to discuss mass production of the toaster.
Several cardboard prototypes were made in the design process before the toaster was made.
The final version is made of aluminum, steel and double-paned glass.
Basheer, who invented the toaster at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, U.S., said: 'The project started as a quest to make toasters easier to use.

- www.dailymail.co.uk


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