
Headline Oct31,2012/


1. Choose your words carefully. The boffins at American Heritage Dictionaries list the five most intelligent-sounding words as epitome, finagle, gregarious,panacea, and perfunctory.

2. It's not just the words, but how you say them. Michael Ronayne, then the Director of the College of Public Speaking, says. ''A clear, well-paced voice is a good sign of confidence''.

3. Failing that, speak faster. ''The faster characters speaks, the more intelligent the audience feel they come across.'' says psychotherapist Tom Barber.

4. Make the right first impression. Life coach Dan O' Neal says,'' People determine your perceived intelligence from your 'immediate physical appearance.''

5. Look after your looks. ''Attractive people tend to appear better adjusted, more popular and intelligent, says Dr Liam Barker. ''It's what psychologists refer to as ''The Halo Effect.''

6. Pay attention to your teeth. In a recent study, people who had undergone cosmetic dentistry were assumed to be more successful and intelligent.''We have seen a big increase in clients asking to have their teeth improved before interviews,'' says James Russel of the London Smile Clinic.

7. Learn to listen. ''Emotional Intelligence is as important as the IQ,'' says life coach Jude Jennison. ''listen and ask open questions such as how, what and when.''

8. Work on your memory. ''Much of what is considered intelligence is simply the ability to remember,'' says coach David Wygnat.

9. Go for brains as well as beauty.When asked about the women you love, drop Nigella Lawson and Helen Mirren in alongside the more obvious Megan Fox and Eva Green.

10.Ask for help. ''Get someone to show you how to do something. That's how you learn,'' says Professor Robert Hampson, Royal Holloway University of London.

11.Start wearing Purple. ''Purple is a colour that suggests intelligence. Mix it with grey, a power colour for Men, to exude confidence and a deep intelligence,'' says colour therapy specialist Julianne Bien.

With many thanks to !WOW! This special post is lovingly dedicated to all the Students of the world and the Samurai

Good Night & God Bless


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