
LAUSD Social Media Director's Back-To-School Interview

Here is the interview excerpt of Stephanie Abrams, LAUSD Social Media Director, Highlighting Back-To-School Success. It was published on Huffington Post.

What was it like to make the leap from a glamorous gig in front of the camera to working a public sector job?
Anyone who’s a television reporter will tell you the glamour of the job is truly a myth. It may appear to be glamorous for the two minutes you’re on television, but the reality is your entire day is spent in a news truck, bathrooms are hard to come by, and to be honest I never felt even slightly glamorous reporting live from a rain, snow, or wind storm. My love of the job was the creativity of story telling and the interaction I’d have on a regular basis with incredible people doing innovative things. I have incredible stories to tell here at the LAUSD through our social media channels, which you often won’t find anywhere else. The creative space I’ve been given at LAUSD has far surpassed the creative license I had in television.

What are some of the biggest misunderstandings about the LAUSD, and what do you wish the community knew more about?
The biggest misunderstanding by far is that the LAUSD is a large and untouchable corporation rather than a District made up of many caring professionals. Most of the people within what’s known widely as “Beaudry” are parents and grandparents of LAUSD students, who happen to be very active with their local schools and communities, and are passionate about public education.

Do your kids go to an LAUSD school?
I have a six year old son and, yes, he does go to an excellent LAUSD school.

Describe the typical LAUSD parent in three words.
Curious. Engaging. Supportive.

Namecheck some of your favorite Twitter and Facebook accounts that you follow.
Personally, I enjoy following my friends updates about their children so I’ll just put some of the accounts I follow at work:
@LAMayorsOffice @WassermanFDN @GatesFoundation @EducationWeek@EducateOurState @TamaraBevens @LADNschools @LATimesOpinion @LAFund@LASchoolReport @HuffingtonPost @KLCStv


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