
Fukushima trio complete Paris-Tokyo run to thank world for support

TOKYO —Three Japanese men, including a 71-year-old, jogged into central Tokyo to finish a year-long run through Europe and Asia to thank the world for supporting the disaster-struck nation.

The trio, led by septuagenarian Kenichi Hatori who is the head of one of Japan’s biggest used-car dealerships, arrived at a conference hall in the nation’s capital, completing a run of more than 13,000 kilometers.
The disaster left more than 19,000 dead or missing and crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, setting off the worst atomic crisis in a generation.
The trio ran roughly 13,350 kilometers through 14 countries in their journey, crossing Europe and Asia, and arriving in Beijing earlier this month.
The trio were accompanied by a support van carrying a banner which read in English and French: 
“Many thanks for your kindness to Japan.”


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