
NIF Fires 500 TW Laser Shot, Saves Itself A History Page In Guinness

Physicists at National Ignition Facility of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have marked a page in the history by record making laser-shot at the power of 500 trillion watts.
The laser system developed by NIF used 192 laser beams to fire that many terawatts and 1.85 MJ (mega joules) of ultraviolet laser light. 500 TW is more than 1000 times the energy whole Unite States consumes at any given moment in time, and 1.85 MJ of energy, when compared to any other laser consistently producing energy, is 100 times powerful.
This laboratory based fusion ignition is an extraordinary achievement of NIF team that spent 15 years in hard work before such historical moment happened in time.
This line of development has inspired UK, China, France, Russia, and Japan to built laser facilities in their respective countries that can also, one day, break records in fusion recreation.


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