
Massive protest to mark 100th day of student strike

(Canada) MONTREAL - Student leaders plan to mark the 100th day of their strike Tuesday with their largest rally to date, with thousands of people expected to gather downtown in the rain.

Students from across Quebec are expected to voice their opposition to Premier Jean Charest's planned $1,800 tuition hike over seven years.

They're also upset about a special law aimed at curbing violent clashes with police.

All eyes will be on Quebec's radical CLASSE association, which says it will defy the special law passed last week.

CLASSE plans to break off in an unannounced direction, which would be a violation of the law that stipulates any group of 50 people or more must present an itinerary to police at least eight hours in advance.

More than 2,000 people have been arrested during the strike, including more than 300 in the past three days since Charest's government began legislating attempts to end the violence.

About 30% of Quebec students have been on strike since Feb. 14, and the movement has garnered international support.

American filmmaker Michael Moore and Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger have shown solidarity with the movement.

Groups in New York and Paris have said via social media that they will hold rallies Tuesday in their respective cities.


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