
How Greek communities are helping themselves

The Greek have been protesting against economic mess in an attempt to balance to balance nation's books.

The social situation has only worsened, the demonstrators - still incensed - feel ignored and many Greeks are now unrolling a quiet revolution.

Tucked away in a side-street of Marousi, a hilly, green suburb of northern Athens, you come across the local garden initiative.Marousi's mayor has transformed the land from a derelict dumping ground into small allotments for 40 families battered by the current economic climate.The sound of raking and digging fills the air.

What, at first glance, may simply look like a healthy hobby is actually a lifeline for people in this community.
Some of these supermarkets are supported by the state but a growing number of private initiatives stack the shelves with goods - from oranges to olive oil to nappies - donated by individuals or companies.

The money they pay is then used to provide the most destitute with goods for free, even helping them with gas and electricity bills.Greece's Child and Family group supports more than 4,500 families and has a growing army of voluntary aid workers, doctors and dentists.

Greece's community initiatives are a ray of light in extremely gloomy times ! Other countries should follow the same model.


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