
New iPad Teardown: Disassembled Device Reveals Tablet's Chips And Inner Workings

What would you do if you were one of the very first people in the world to buy the new iPad?
If you're Luke Soules, the co-founder and CXO of iFixit, a technology repair and parts company in California, you'd rip the new tablet apart (carefully, of course) to see what it's made of.

Soules flew from Austin, Tex., where he was for SXSW, to Melbourne, Australia, so he could become not only one of the first people to buy the new iPad, but the first to legitimately take it apart.

And what he found inside was, with just a couple exceptions, pretty similar to what's in the iPad 2.

"It's pretty much as-expected inside," Miro Djuric, the director of technical communication, wrote to HuffPost in an email. "Very little has changed from the iPad 2 with regard to internals, aside from the spec bumps."

Among the most touted features of the new iPad is the 3.1-million pixel strong Retina display, which Apple promises has more pixels than any other mobile device. While the iPad that iFixit dissected featured a Samsung-made display, Reuters reported earlier this week that LG will also supply LCDs for the new tablet.

iFixit also got a peek at the new dual-core Apple A5X processor, which will deliver improved graphics .

Huffington Post


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