
Headline 19th March, 2012 / Part 2: "Most Students Would Rather Die


Most Students Would Rather Die Than To Think. 
Many Do!

Respectful Dedication 2 Great SAM Founders 
Darakshan Wajid & Ali Aizaz Zahid 
One loving dedication from all the founders of Student Angel Mother

The critics may call her 'molar eclipse' but Author Zaddie Smith has a bite!! She refers to the present generation as "FutureMouse!" - a genetically modified mouse!!? And adds 'they spout a lot of talk based on feeling rather than fact. They have a lot to say about themselves but are clueless about most things!? Or the subject of sweaty fantasy and ardent dreams!!'

Be that it so, given the amount of attention the students are now enjoying, fascination with true fame is on! Any keen, keen observer of human nature or the student's nature would most easily have found much of his cereberal material in the mundane: the everyday situations and rituals that form a bond between students.

We would have had much better world, had the students been positive, participatory , and in close contact with each other. The students could most easily have been more viral long before the Internet!!!?

The internet is sloppy without the students. But the use of word "why" never took favour with the students. For if had, the students would have gone 'viral' much before while killing the demons of doubts, insecurity and low self esteem, from which, most of the world now suffers as 'emotionally infantalized'.
All this can only provide rich acreage to future psychohistorians.

Depression is rising in lockstep with prosperity!!? Alas, that is why we never provide a complete answer to anything. The bottom line is "A student is his own fault"

Goodnight and sweet dreams!

SAM Daily Times - The Voice Of The Voiceless


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