
Four dead in French school shooting

At least four people, including three children, died on Monday when a gunman opened fire at a Jewish school in Toulouse. The killings have prompted global condemnation, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy calling them a "national tragedy" and vowing to hunt down the killer.
Anti-terrorism investigators have opened a probe into school shooting as well as the previous two incidents, which all took place in the area around Toulouse over the last week.
Each time, the gunman made his getaway on a black scooter.
The revelation that the same gun was used in the incidents will fan fears that a lone gunman with a vendetta is on the loose in France.
Prime Minister Francois Fillon has already ordered security to be boosted at all schools and religious institutions in the country as President Nicolas Sarkozy labelled the killings on Monday a "national tragedy".
"We are struck by the similarities between the modus operandi of today's drama and those last week even if we have to wait to have more elements from the police to confirm this hypothesis," Mr Sarkozy said from Toulouse.
He said that one of the soldiers killed in the earlier incidents had been of Caribbean origin and the other two Muslims. Monday's incident appears to have been the first time the attacks took on an anti-Semitic nature.
Visiting the scene of the killings in the southern city of Toulouse on Monday, Mr Sarkozy announced a minute of silence in all French schools on Tuesday and said the state would throw its entire weight behind the investigation.
A 30-year-old religious education teacher and his sons aged three and six were mown down as they arrived for class at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse on Monday. Another child aged eight to ten years was also killed, and a 17-year-old was seriously injured.
"We should not back down in the face of terror," Mr Sarkozy said, his voice cracking as he paid tribute to the parents and school authorities. "Barbarism, savagery, hate must not win. The Republic is much stronger than that.
"You cannot murder children like this on the territory of the Republic without being held to account," he said. "Today is a day of national tragedy."
"I want to say to all the leaders of the Jewish community, how close we feel to them. All of France is by their side," he said.


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