
Teens can Now Access Google+

Teens can now use Google+ as the company has relaxed the rules regarding the use of real names on the social network. The age limit had previously been 18, but Google vice president for product management Bradley Horowitz announced on Google+ that users could now be as young as 13

Facebook, the world's leading social network with more than 800 million members, also has an age limit of 13. Horowitz said Google+ is implementing several safety features aimed specifically at teens.
On Tuesday, Google+, which had been insisting that users go by their legal names, began allowing users to use nicknames or established pseudonyms such as Madonna.

"Over the next week, we'll be adding support for alternate names -- be they nicknames, birth names, or names in another script -- alongside your common name," Horowitz said.

He described the move as a "small step towards improving the ways in which you can communicate your identity on Google+." Google+, which launched last year, has attracted more than 90 million users, Google chief executive Larry Page said last week.


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