
Veteran Pinoy Photographer "George Tapan" Wins Nat-Geo Photo Contest

MANILA, Philippines – Veteran travel photographer George Tapan has earned another plum, bagging first place in the Places Category of the recently concluded National Geographic photo contest for his work dubbed, “Into the Green Zone.”

Even though Tapan joined the contest quite late and only because he was supposedly disappointed with the entries of some photographers which mostly magnified the poverty of the Philippines rather than its inherent beauty, according to ourawesomeplanet.com

Tapan’s “Into the Green Zone” was taken in the island of Onuk in Balabac, Palawan. The moment captured on camera by Tapan is that which shows a fisherman on a small banca and a lone woman walking on a beach while crowned by a beautiful arch of a rainbow set against a blue horizon.

His masterpiece was picked over 20,000 photographs submitted for the contest. The winning photos were judged by respected National Geographic magazine photographers Tim Laman, Amy Toensing, and Peter Essick.


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