
Stay Natural!

By Sarah Mahmood

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other What-Nots! Where have all these gotten us to?

What in the past used to be healthy relationship-building, has now turned into what I call the 'social-networking mania'. One might ask, what is wrong with it? Well, technically speaking, nothing! It's supposed to be good and extremely convenient. You tend to have millions of 'friends' and are intent upon adding another million. Sardonically enough, half of the added and would-be added are probably those whom you might have seen somewhere at school or at a dinner perhaps (the irony is, you don't even remember). 

Don't take me wrong. I'm not against social networking. As I said it is convenient in its own ways and extremely beneficial if used likewise. The problem however, is the unnatural state of our relationships and how we tend to give off an impression of ourselves that is not based upon what we truly are.

Summary: Tend to the needs and wants that nature has bestowed upon you. They might, otherwise be lost in a world that is already bent upon driving you crazy!


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