
Pensive: Staying Clean

Although previously I have been discussing different attitudes and behaviours that we ought to adopt in order to live a more contented life, the topic today's a little different in that it focuses on matters related to our physical self. 

Hygiene, as Wikipedia puts it, "refers to the set of practices perceived by a community to be associated with the preservation of health and healthy living." Personal hygiene therefore concerns those practices that one adopts to keep one's own self healthy.

Why should these be important? I am doing wonderfully well at college, am a budding technologist, have a loving family, why on earth should I be concerned about keeping myself clean? Well, because it really is something that you should be giving priority to. Fine, I get the fact that Steve Jobs wasn't much of a 'shower person' but then you probably have not been reading my earlier "Pensives' with much attention. Keep the inspiration where it should be (read: keep it to technology!) 

Giving attention to your shower habits, your brushing routine, your hand-washing practices, besides the obvious school-grades-parties-movies list should be another one of your main concerns. It helps in curbing the spread of germs and diseases. Besides, staying clean gives you an edge of self-confidence over others and is a major motivating factor for them to like you even better. (Leave that out, how can you stand being dirty?)

So the next time you feel like you could do without a shower for a couple of days, try feeling dirty. Might just help!


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