
Reaction Flash: A chemistry iphone Application

The following article from rezxys.com shall be of great interest and knowlegefull for Students!

Reaxys already provides unparalleled access to relevant chemistry information, including reaction and substance data, synthesis planning, chemical sourcing and much more. Now some of that data has been turned into an iPhone app to help chemists get to grips with named reactions.

ReactionFlash – Named Reactions on the Go

Learning named reactions has never been easier thanks to the ReactionFlash™  App. Named reactions – usually named after their discoverers – are a fundamental part of every chemist’s toolkit. ReactionFlash helps you learn and understand named reactions: from the famous, to those you’ve forgotten, to those only a Nobel Prize Winner knows! Not only does the app give you the reaction, it also shows you the known mechanism, recent literature examples from Reaxys, and even allows you to test your skills with the ReactionFlash quiz. No more chemistry flash cards to learn from, ReactionFlash is the iPhone Chemistry App that every chemist should have!

What's New in Version 1.1

  • Over 250 named reactions and their mechanisms
  • Over 2000 published examples from Reaxys
  • All reactions freely available to ReactionFlash 1.0 customers
  • Not yet downloaded it? Try before you buy: all the features are enabled for selected example reactions

Interested in downloading ReactionFlash? 

If you have a Bar Code Reader on your iPhone - please scan this code (to be directed straight to download)*:
ReactionFlash QR Code

Or, alternatively Download it from iTunes

*Scanning this QR code will direct you to the download page within your iPhone - you will not need to plug your iPhone in.

Start ReactionFlash                                           View the list of reactions and their category/level

Reaction – including its description

See the named reaction in action with multiple concrete examples from Reaxys

Test your knowledge with the Named Reaction Quiz

ReactionFlash was developed by Elsevier Properties SA in conjunction with a number of external teams. We are grateful for the support and ideas from the Reaxys PhD Club (prize.reaxys.com) and to Prof. Dr. Erick M. Carreira and his research group at ETH Zurich. A truly collaborative effort, Prof. Carreira’s group has been involved in the analysis and ranking (basic, advanced, master) of the named reactions, and latterly in the testing and optimisation of the app.

Prof. Erick M. Carreira

Prof. Carreira and his group at ETH Zürich
For more information on his group and their research please see Prof. Carreira’s web site

ReactionFlash™ is a trademark owned and protected by Elsevier Properties SA


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