
Mobile Apps Industry Booming!

BGR published a report today which included a prediction form Berg Insights. You may have wondered why everyone wants to enter the app writing profession, well, obviously everyone wants to be as successful as Rovio is with its popular Angry Birds franchise, but success stories like these does not happen much often. Well, on the other hand, the prediction from Berg Insights show that between 2010 and 2015, the average number of apps downloaded on a mobile device will grow to 56.6% than that is now. The report added that only in 2015, a total of 98 billion apps will be downloaded.

The report states that, despite of above mentioned large numbers, it will be very difficult for the developers to write that many apps to complete the demands of the users. A senior analyst at Berg insights, Johan Svanberg stated that as you know if there is going to be that much growth in the downloading of the apps, it is obvious that developers will get that much revenue too but still it will be a challenge for them to meet the demands. Meanwhile, free apps will have more than usual in-app purchase options and in app advertisements. The prediction also added that in 2015, revenue from apps will also grow to 40.7% which will reach to almost 8.8 billion euros, which was only 1.6 billion euros in 2010. As for now, Apple’s iOS apps are leading as the top platform in generating revenue from apps, and the reports states that iOS will stay on the top till 2015, but on the other hand, in 2015 Android and Windows Phone’s apps revenue will also grow and both will take second and third positions respectively. The report also added that Asian-Pacific region will share 40% of overall app downloads by 2015. 


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