
Michael Moore , fighting for Civilization !

Of all celebrities, American Filmmaker, Michael Francis Moore has inspired me the most.
He's the director of Academy Award winning documentary " Fahrenheit 9/11 " (2004) in which he strongly questions Bush Administration. A controversial movie but moved the public. Later in 2009 , came out his another profound movie " Capitalism - A Love Story ", openly declaring Capitalism as an evil. In both movies he was committed to expose the wrong-doings of Corporate and America's Elite.
Being a patriot, he has always stood up for truth and justice in his country. And his documentaries became his major tool.

Only 3 days ago, on 28th September, 2011 , he refused to make a dime off of the State of Georgia. This was a gesture of protest against the execution of Troy Davis. Despite serious doubts about the guilt of Davis, a lethal injection was given to him.

Moore called for a general boycott of the state.  He posted on his website  "I encourage everyone I know to never travel to Georgia, never buy anything made in Georgia, to never do business in Georgia,"
"I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia."

He had asked his publisher to stop shipping his books to Georgia. His request could not be met , so he decided to donate the money to Innocence Project, a criminal justice reform organisation. He's determined to defeat the racists of the State. And the reaction of authorities of state ?
 "We think it's cute that he thinks anyone in Georgia would buy his book, but if any Georgian does, I'm happy to double the royalties and buy a pack of gum for a charity of Michael Moore's choice" said a spokesman for Governor Nathan Deal.

Lately he opened a blog on his website www.michaelmoore.com. The blog is called OpenMike inviting all poeple to comment freely on his thoughts with the president and public.

Michael Moore is an unstoppable and determined man , struggling for the civilization. It's not just me. Million of people think the same. He has 300,000 friends on facebook and 700,000 followers on twitter. Hope he never gives up his struggles !


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