
Art Gallery In Karachi; Faiz Remembered

Siddequin Art Gallery,displaying Postcards by Faiz, was attended by many students this week,Karachi.While reading about this in The News, i found the following piece, very interesting.The students express their interpretations here.

Some call him a poet, others an artist and some ‘a legend’. One little girl, who has rote-learned the dates of his birth, graduation and his arrest, struggles to recall the bits of information she has crammed in. Sadly though, when asked about his poetry, these youngsters stated that none of them had heard it before.

Yet this visit to the exhibition was more fruitful for them than a history book on Faiz. Though still too young to understand the subtle messages of the paintings, these students are vocal about their interpretations. “There are people dying and some of these paintings show the atrocities inflicted on mankind. Faiz stood for peace,” says Tooba, a student from R.R.B.K. School in Landhi. “Faiz wanted to end all the wars,” quips in another student.

(An excerpt from a report in The News)

The exhibition is open to the public from  till October 9 (less Saturday) at Gallerie Sadequain, Frere Hall, from 11 am to 5 pm.

The exhibition is part of a series of events being organised by the NuktaArt magazine, Aman ki Asha and the Progressive Writers Association to commemorate Faiz’s centennial celebrations.


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