
3 women share this year's Nobel Prize !

Tawakkul Karman     Leymah Gbowee          Ellen J Sirleaf
OSLO, Norway - The Norwegian Nobel Committee honours three women with Peace Nobel Prize. Tawakkul Karman from Yemen for campaigning for the dislodging of President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh. She said : "I am very, very happy about this prize,I give the prize to the youth of revolution in Yemen and the Yemeni people." Said she.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf from Liberia helped her country survive thru a great civil war. Sirleaf, who also had won Liberia's Elections in 2005, expressed on her achievement.
"This gives me a stronger commitment to work for reconciliation," 
Leymah Gbowee from Liberia would sit in the sun and in the rain advocating for peace and worked hard against dictatorship. She spoke "Everything I do is an act of survival for myself, for the group of people that I work with.So if you are surviving, you don't take you survival strategies or tactics as anything worth of a Nobel."


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