
Facebook Plans to Help Small Businesses !

Saad Riaz Qazi
Student Contributor

Facebook has decided to help small business by giving away $10 million in free advertising. Many small businesses have been established on Facebook and many have success stories to tell as well.
Titled as, ‘Facebook Marketing Solutions’, the above has been setup in collaboration with the National Federation of Independent Business and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. According to initial reports, $50 will be given in free advertising to thousands of small businesses.

Moreover, this social networking giant plans to share free resources and information on marketing strategies. Reps from the site will also meet small business owners in person to make them aware about the advertising and development of their business on Facebook. This move might have been made after a recent survey which suggested that more than 64% of the small business owners do not think of social media as an important source of advertising.

The plan above will be made operational in early 2012 and is expected to go better than "Facebook Studio" ,a free resource that was rolled out in April 2011 in order to attract advertisers but unfortunately, having offered no free advertising component, went generally unnoticed.


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