
Headline, February 25 2019/ '' ' STUDENTS NAPALM-PICTURING ' SUFFERING ' ''



AT THE CENTER OF THE PHOTO IS A NAKED 9-year old girl student, named Phan Thi Kim Phuc. She is in burning agony.

She is in agony, her skin appears to be melting. None of the helmeted soldiers in the background are looking at the children. Only the photographer sees her pain.

Now The World Students Society sees her pain. The photo, which was published by The Times and other newspapers three days later, shocked readers with its clarion depiction of the costs of war.

The photo won a Pulitzer Prize in 1973. Later that year, US forces withdrew from Vietnam.

Whether or not the photo is directly related to the withdrawal, at the very least it fed the growing antiwar sentiment in US and the world, and may have hastened the end of war. 


To nominate the Founder Framers from India - Vishnu, and Danyial Khan - a studying, and rising media maker from Proud Pakistan and UK, to begin the process of collecting, and storing photos for  Sam Museum of History.

PAINFULLY THE PHOTOS THAT STAND OUT - AGAIN and again are images of children -students : a baby in a portable crib watching an-eviction team dismantling his home, terrified survivors of massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School led from the building -

A tiny girl howling at the edge of her father's open coffin, a baby refugee from the Rohingya minority fleeing Myanmar in a sling on his mother's hip, a 7-year-old dying of starvation in Yemen. 

THE TIME'S RECENT PHOTOGRAPHY ROUNDUP of the past decade, gets one thinking about the power of photographs to effect the course of history.

So many of these photos were made during times of profound extremity : war, natural disaster, deep social unrest.

There are heartwrenching pictures of survival and death amid the rubble, of an unarmed man and unarmed woman facing down officers in riot gear. of tribal members protesting the Dakota Access pipeline, of death in the cause of freedom.

Images of ugliness cheek by jowl with images of honor, photos of fury side by side with pictures of love.

NASHVILLE : On June 8, 1972, Nick Ut, a Vietnamese photographer working for The Associated Press, shot a now-iconic photo of children fleeing napalm mistakenly dropped on their village by South Vietnamese forces.

''NAPALM GIRL'' belongs to a tradition of photojournalism that furthers the cause of social justice. There's David Jackson's 1955 image of a 14-year-old Emmett Till in his coffin, murdered for being black in Jim Crow Mississippi

Sam Nzima's carrying a lifeless child in his arms during the Soweto uprising in South Africa.

Kevin Carter's 1993 photo of a surviving Sudanese child being watched by a vulture.

Nilfur's Demir's 2015 photo of a 3-year-old facedown in surf, drowned with his mother and brother in a desperate attempt to to flee the war in Syria.

John Moor's 2018 photo of a terrified 2-year old Honduran child seeking asylum with her mother at the southern U.S. border. These photographs clarify a particular cultural moment :

They distill the vast churn of history into a single image so searing it returns to in your dreams to make you weep in the dark.

The sadness of this publishing, continues. The World Students Society thanks author, Margaret Renki.

With respectful dedication to the Leaders, Grandparent, Parents, Students, Professors and Teachers of the world.

See Ya all prepare and register for  Great Global Elections on The World Students Society : wssciw.blogspot.com and Twitter - !E-WOW! - The Ecosystem 2011:

''' Tears & Times '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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